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Matrix ve Felsefe

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
okuyan varmı kitabı tamamen. ben aldım okuyorum şu anda. güzel aslında beğendim ben.

descartes ve socrates in fikirleriyle matrix in felsefesinin bağlarını fln ele almış. iyi anlatmış. zion un bi program olmadığını da savunuo sanırım. biraz ağır kitap ama matrix i sevenler zevkle okur. kitap William Irwin' in.[hline]Metboy (8:08 PM) :
lan kız gerçekmiymiş
Craven (8:08 PM) :
gerçek şimdilik
Mesaj tarihi:
Ya bence tamamen kâr amaçlı filmden ne kadar sömürürsek kâr diye çıkarılmış bi kitap. Zaten o fikirleri sen filmleri izledikten sonra bulabilirsin. Matrixin güzel yanı bu kafa yorup bi yere ulaşına tadı apayrı oluyo. Ama animatrix ve üçüncü filmle bunlar azalacakk !!![hline]
Karpuz :ben korkarım özellikler beyaz ve yağlı olanlarından...
Chemical:Ben ama sölemem
Karakedi:üzerine konan bımzbırtı ---> Su bardagı
Freddy12:app lın yapmana gerek yok
Soulforged:(Edit:Yazm Hatası)
Soulforged sayesinde nadide paticik el ayarsızları kolleksiyonumuza bi kişi daha katıldı. (Hırsızlığın Böylesi)

Lan yazacak ilgi çekici bişey bulamadım link için
Mesaj tarihi:
animatrix baabına su anda ne varsa odur kardiş animatrix. 9 tane kısa animasyon yani...[hline]You have questions, my friend, but are you prepared for the answers?
Mesaj tarihi:
Cümleyi uzatmamak için öyle yazdım. Bende biliyorum onlar olduğunu. Ama ilk ve ikinci filmden sonra insanın akılnda kalan bi dolu soruyu yanıtlamadımı? senin hayal gücünle oluşturablieceğin yargılara kendileri sağlam bi yapıyla alternatif gösterdi. Evrenin tamamını bi zemine oturttu. Ondan animatrixi kullandım.
Mesaj tarihi:
gelecek zaman kullanmış olduğun için anlam karmaşası oluşmuş. sanki 3. filmle beraber animatrix gösterime girecekmiş gibi bi beklenti var o cümlede.[hline]You have questions, my friend, but are you prepared for the answers?
Mesaj tarihi:
Eheh rezil olmayalım diye editleyecektim. 30 dakika geçmiş. ahah millet görecek bu rezilliği. Rezil oldum Allahım.

*!50 kutu supradyn içer ama bi b.ka yaramaz. Aksine zıpkın gibi fişşek gibi olur. TUTMAYIN LAAN!*
Mesaj tarihi:
Arkadaşlar.. Bana Mail Aracılığıyla Gelen Bi Yazıyı Sizlede Paylaşmak İstiyorum..
Biraz Uzun.. Belki Okumak Zor Olacak Ama..

The Matrix Reloaded - Explained.
By Jason Payne

Zion is a program, just like the Matrix. How is Neo able to figure out that
he is able to stop the sentinels in Zion near the end of the film? The spoon
given to him earlier. It had obviously been bent loads, but how outside the
Matrix?? This gave Neo the inspiration and the understanding that Zion is
still a matrix.

The One explained
"The One" is a program, but has to be "attached" to someone in the Matrix.
So Mr. Anderson got it in the 6th version of the Matrix. Then "The One"
program's purpose is to allow Zion to be destroyed then to rebuild it. The
reason for this is because of anomalies - the 1% of humans that don't accept
the Matrix. These are all brought out of the Matrix program and into the
Zion program by the "Morpheus" program and other similar "ship captain"
programs. Then once all the anomalies are out of the Matrix (and in Zion),
that is the time for Zion to be destroyed, thus killing all the anomalies
off. The Matrix is then upgraded, thus creating the next version of the
Matrix, but Zion must be rebuilt so that the next lot of anomalies can be
brought out again so that they can be destroyed. This is the feedback-loop,
and is the reason to retain a handful of people so that Zion can be rebuilt.
So this is why Neo said the prophecy was a lie - the One's purpose was not
to end the war as the prophecy stated.
Unfortunately, "The One" program must be re-used each time, or copied, so it
can be "attached" to a new anomaly inside the Matrix. So what happens to the
old "The One" program? It faces deletion, and as the Oracle explained, it
goes into exile instead, just like the French bloke (the Merovingian) did.
He was the first One (probably from the second version of the Matrix), and
once he fulfilled his duty, he became an exile program and "abdicated" his
"Oneness" by choosing Persephone and power. This is evident in the bogs when
Persephone asks Neo to kiss her. She says she wants him to kiss her so she
can feel what it is like again to be kissed by something close to human,
just like the Merovingian used to be. Then she says to Trinity that she
envies her, but that these things are not meant to last. So the Merovingian
used to be just like Neo - a One - thus proving further the feedback-loop
explained earlier.

The correct door in the Architect's room
Now there are two possibilities here:
1. All the previous One's chose the right door allowing a "temporary
dissemination" of their code into the Matrix (i.e., the code they "carry"
thus indicating Neo is indeed human), then he must select (unplug) 23 people
from the Matrix to rebuild Zion. This takes away the possibility that
stories from previous rebuilds of Zion will be carried through. But Morpheus
indicated in the first Matrix that this is the case anyway. He said, "there
was a man born inside, able to change things, it was he who freed the first
of us," - basically the One previous to Neo. And this proves that the
previous One chose the right door also. Neo's purpose is also to choose the
right door, but he does not because he faces deletion afterwards and has the
choice of going into exile - programs choosing to go into exile is the one
thing that can't be accounted for in program parameters. Thus, he chooses
the left door instead this time. How was Neo able to choose the other door?
Because of his extreme willpower? - Even the Architect indicated that he'd
noticed this - "Interesting. That was quicker than the others." Or more
likely, because the Oracle upgraded his coding with the candy on the park
bench. The candy/cookie was a method to change the One's program. She said
he has made a believer out of her - this is quite human-like and perhaps the
previous One's didn't accept the upgrade candy, now she has hope... hope
that Neo will finally choose the other door.

2. All the previous One's chose the left door, saving Trinity and letting
Zion fall. So this time is no different. But the Architect does say, "You
are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant
terminated, its entire existence eradicated," and also, "this will be the
sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at
it," - assuming the Architect isn't lying, then they have already destroyed
Zion (i.e., Zion has fallen) five times - i.e., the result of going through
the left door.

Morpheus and Trinity are programs. Morpheus's purpose was to find the One
and deliver him to the Architect. Trinity's purpose is to control the One by
getting in love with him. Trinity is supposed to be the mother of the new
One every time the Matrix is Reloaded. That's why the sex scene was so
important and why she was named Tr
Mesaj tarihi:
insomnia o yazıyı ceday daha önce yazmıştı zaten.

ama zion un program olduğuna katılmıorum varsa zion program dien tartışalım :)[hline]Metboy (8:08 PM) :
lan kız gerçekmiymiş
Craven (8:08 PM) :
gerçek şimdilik
Mesaj tarihi:
aheh ben bu topic i kitap için açmıştım aslında ama neyse :)
şimdi o tartışılmışları 25-30 sayfa uzamış artık :)[hline]Metboy (8:08 PM) :
lan kız gerçekmiymiş
Craven (8:08 PM) :
gerçek şimdilik
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