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World of warcraft WoW account Al’Akir lvl60 Mage & 59 Priest

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Ebayde satmayıı düşünüyordum fakat değerlendirmek için burayada pastliyorum.


DISCLAIMER - By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time I spent working on this character and acquiring items. All references to 'the character' are indicative of my time spent on the character.

You are bidding for the time played on a account containing a level 60 Male Undead Mage and a 59 Female Undead priest (4 rested bubble to lvl up) and 32 Male Undead Rogue both on EU PVP Al’Akir realm. Characters have a total of 450 gold between them.

The Undead Mage has 28 points in arcane and 23 points in fire talents that makes mage crit mage! Gear is top of the line blue spell crit and +damage items. Keeping 2 pieces of magister set items because of preffering crit items.

Referance of playing a mage with same build: You will understand how powerful mage in PVP.
Mage's professions and skills: 300 enchanting, 300 tailoring, 300/300 first aid
Enchanting recipies of interest: Most of everything.
Tailoring: Most of everything

The Undead Priest has 12 points in discipline and 38 points in shadow talents that makes priest uber! Gear is top of the line blue healing and +damage items. Keeping 2 pieces of devout set items because of pvp reward set items.

I don’t give any reference for Priest because my Priest can own every class in PVP.
Priest's professions and skills: 289 alchemy, 300 herbalism,
Alchemy formulas of interest: Most of everything.

I have never ninja looted nor cursed at anyone. To make it simple my reputation on the server is very known with Mage and Priest. Mage created on first day of server.
On Burning Blade PVP server, the name “ Arthur” is registered on this account. It can be a great option to be a paladin on that name. I am sure Arthur named warrior or paladin’s reputation will be superb.
I didn’t try to get set items with too much time spending on instances, because of preferred pvp set items.
Currently the account has no play time left. I have been using the WOW game cards to continue purchasing time on this account, but the last one has now expired.[signature][hline]WoW-EU
Enaunkark Undead Mage
Mesaj tarihi:
World of warcraft WoW account lvl60 Warrior & 47 Druid


DISCLAIMER - By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time I spent working on this character and acquiring items. All references to 'the character' are indicative of my time spent on the character.

You are bidding for the time played on a account containing a level 60 Male Orc Warrior and a 47 Male NightElf Druid on EU PVP Kor’gall and EU PVP Ragnaros realms. Characters have a total of 200 gold between them.

The Orc Warrior has 32 points in arms and 11 in protection 7 in fury talents that makes warrior crit tank! Gear is top of the line blue spell stamina, agility and crit items. Keeping 3 pieces of Valor set items because of preffering crit items. And have Epic shield.

Warrior's professions and skills:275blacksmith, 250 mining, 300/300 first aid
BS recipies of interest: Most of everything icluding arcanite champion vs..
In many servers I have best character names taken on that account. These are;
Burning Blade; Lancelot, Jezz, Khelben, Alistar, Toldek
Stormscale; Hektor, Khelben, Arilyn, Caramon
Earthen Ring; Khelben, Artemis
Al’Akir; Arthur,Caramon
Agamaggan; Arthur, Khelben, Jezz
Argent Dawn; Artemis
Darksarrow; Artemis
Frostwhisper; Arthur

Currently the account has 0 days play time left.
Payment: I will only accept Valid paypal acccounts, and will only accept payment in the form of paypal. I will also email the buyer the login and PW for this account after paypal payment has been sent.[signature][hline]WoW-EU
Enaunkark Undead Mage
Mesaj tarihi:
birşey sorucam, satışınla ilgili değil ama, benimde bir paypal accountum var, fakat bugune kadar sadece birşeyler alırken kullandım, hiç ebay üzerinden satış yapmadim.

Eger sen yaptiysan, ödemeyi almada bir problem oluyormu? yada olmamasi için birşeyler yapmam gereklimi?[signature][hline]Set'th Valor
-Jedi Padawan-
MLS, Def 4240, Ench 3004, Heal 4000
Rebel Captain
Mesaj tarihi:
Türkiyeden kabul etmiyor sanırım oyüzden bende americadaki bir arkadaşım vasıtasıyla yapıyorum satışı.[signature][hline]WoW-EU
Enaunkark Undead Mage
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