Rottweiler Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Beast Mastery Talents - 0 points Improved Aspect of the Hawk rank 0/5 Endurance Training rank 0/5 Improved Eyes of the Beast rank 0/2 Improved Aspect of the Monkey rank 0/5 Thick Hide rank 0/3 Improved Revive Pet rank 0/2 Pathfinding rank 0/2 Bestial Swiftness rank 0/1 Unleashed Fury rank 0/5 Improved Mend Pet rank 0/2 Ferocity rank 0/5 Spirit Bond rank 0/2 Intimidation rank 0/1 Bestial Discipline rank 0/2 Frenzy rank 0/5 Bestial Wrath rank 0/1 Marksmanship Talents - 21 points Improved Concussive Shot rank 5/5 Efficiency rank 0/5 Improved Hunter's Mark rank 1/5 Lethal Shots rank 5/5 Aimed Shot rank 1/1 Improved Arcane Shot rank 0/5 Hawk Eye rank 3/3 Improved Serpent Sting rank 0/5 Mortal Shots rank 5/5 Scatter Shot rank 1/1 Barrage rank 0/3 Improved Scorpid Sting rank 0/3 Ranged Weapon Specialization rank 0/5 Trueshot Aura rank 0/1 Survival Talents - 30 points Monster Slaying rank 0/3 Humanoid Slaying rank 3/3 Deflection rank 2/5 Entrapment rank 0/5 Savage Strikes rank 0/2 Improved Wing Clip rank 5/5 Trap Efficiency rank 2/2 Survivalist rank 5/5 Deterrence rank 1/1 Trap Mastery rank 0/2 Surefooted rank 3/3 Improved Feign Death rank 0/2 Killer Instinct rank 3/3 Counterattack rank 1/1 Lightning Reflexes rank 5/5 Wyvern Sting rank 0/1 en uygunu bu gıbı geldı[signature][hline]kasksız uçmak ayıpsa lalettayin inişlerde şiirsel cacıklar amfibiyenlere kavuşur
ermynorac Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 evet bende bunun aynısını düşünmüştüm :) muhtemel pvp cookie cutter buildimiz bu olacak. diğer türlü pek bir şeye benzemiyor pvpde..
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