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warlock yardim

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Mesaj tarihi:
arkadslar ben bir warlock um ve warlock lar hakkinda sadece tek bir bilmedigim var oda "curse of doom" duyduguma gore bu bir buyu ve atildiktan 60 saniye sonra direk 3200 damage aliyormus bole birsey varmi onu sormak istiyorum yanlissa duzeltirseniz sevinirim saygilarimla
"undead warlock banehallow"
Mesaj tarihi:
Curse of Doom
300 Mana/30 yd range
Instant cast/1 min cooldown
Curses the target with impending doom, causing 3200 Shadow damage after 1 min. If the target dies from this damage, there is a chance that a Doomguard will be summoned. Cannot be cast on players.
Source: Trainer
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