PiNg Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2005 During the past weeks, we have been paying close attention to server populations. Our Herald Team has received a tremendous amount of feedback asking us to cluster more servers. In response to your top requests, we decided to do just that. Here are the server clusters scheduled to take place in the upcoming weeks: EDIT, 8/3/05 5:36 PM EDT, from Sanya: We have some backend, technical issues that will prevent us from doing the clustering on the schedule printed below. Therefore, tomorrow's downtime for our RP servers will NOT take place. We'll post as soon as we have more information, everybody, but that might not be for a few days. Stay tuned! On Thursday, August 4th, Guinevere will be clustered with Nimue and Percival. On Tuesday, August 9th, Merlin will be clustered with Palomides, Bors, and Gawaine. On Thursday, August 11th, Lancelot will be clustered with Iseult, Kay, and Pellinor. On Tuesday, August 16th, Galahad/Morgan le Fay will be clustered with Bedevere, Igraine, and Tristan. hep şu kayda oynayanlarla kapışmak istemişimdir lancelottayken eğlence başlıyoo[signature][hline]
Darkdaemo Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 9, 2005 valla iyi mi oldu kotu mu oldu bilmiyorum ama umarim bir stealther olarak halen solo yapabilirim. Cok kascak eger stealth zerg olursa her yer.[signature][hline]
Zeytin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 12, 2005 Oh lancelot cluster oluyo.[signature][hline]Düdüt
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