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Mesaj tarihi:

hmm şöyle mi olsun istiyorsun?



[/spo][signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com

[Bu mesaj montezaus tarafından 19 Temmuz 2005 13:00 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

Mesaj tarihi:
direk farklı kaydet dediğim için oldu, resimleri baştan koyarsan sorun çözülecektir.[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
Mesaj tarihi:
onun için, şu anki tablonun tamamını cutla, yeni bi tablo aç, 2 sütun, tek satırlı, soldakine bunu yapıştır sağdakini de içine istediğin düzende tablo yaratıp kullan.[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
Mesaj tarihi:
web komutu kullanırsan forum içinde bi iframe açarak bağlantı kurar. bi ihtimal [web width="pixel cinsi genişlik" height=pixel cinsi uzunluk]url[/web] şeklinde girersen pencerenin boyutlarını belirliyebilirsin belki, o da coderlar böyle bi komut koydularsa.

direk url ver diyicem de onu da yapmak istemiyosun sanırım.

eğer forumda html kodları kullanabiliyorsan (karıştır, bak biraz forumu) tablodan başlayarak kodları aynen gönderebilirsin de ayrıca, bir tek img yolunu değiştirirsin, onları da kendi sayfadakilerle bağlarsın.[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
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