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Archer ın kesebilecegi bosslar?


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dt df shaula lesath tarzı bossları alabılıyorum bugun 2 960 healerla sq denedım yarıma gelınce cok pot. gidiyo cok yarılıyon ayagı cekıp kactılar :P icimde ki pislik talos sq hq ya saldırmam gerektıgını soyluyor ne dersiniz dalan oldumu archer charla tank yapıp tekten kesen ?[signature][hline]Sunucu:Adonis

Ayrıca ultimanin eski pisliklerinden The Wicked Osiris Quidam Bloodyface :p

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Talos kestiğini gördüm...
Talos'a kadar bütün boss'lara (defansın sağlamsa) Tank olabilirsin.[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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Talos ta tamamen yalan olur. Tk ile Sq nede tank olabiliceğini pek sanmam... Seri ve iyi dmg veriyorlar. en küçük bi lagde yatarsın...[signature][hline] "Geçen gün rüyamda kelebek olduğumu gördüm.. Acaba şuan Rüyasında Kelebek olduğunu gören steel miyim yoksa rüyasında insan olduğunu gören kelebekmiyim?"

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level 60 Holy
Level 60+ Archer

Çok rahat SQ keser...[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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Murtaza, 06 Temmuz 2005 03:21 tarihinde demiş ki:
Talos kestiğini gördüm...
Talos'a kadar bütün boss'lara (defansın sağlamsa) Tank olabilirsin.

Aynen bende ordaydım full shelli bir archer talosa tank oldu kestilerde o şekilde,ama TK imkansız sanırım en azından daha görmedikte ,duymadıkta.[signature][hline]Never+Again+Never+Again+Never+Again.........
Hayat Combosu..........
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ben bp ile 500 civarı ac buıff lı sq ve hq ya tank olmuştum yanımda bi wariorla beraber

tabi ben massiver olduğum için sorun olmuyordu

bide myko/japko ss inde trol king e tank olan archer görmüştüm ama pek mantıklı gelmiyor

trol king in massive li hali talosun massive siz hali gibi

wariora 2500-2700 vurabiliyor yani masive bitince 4000 damageyi görüyor
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Archer her boss a tank olur. TK ve Talos için sadece massive gerekli o kadar.

Tk biraz hayvani vuruyo o sebeple öneri olarak 2x RoL , WP , 2x Elf-Metal yada Rogue Earring öneririm :) 94hp ve +6/10 shellerle 90hp ve +7/12 chitinlerle tank olunur, he redball olur musun? olursun :D bu arada massive timingini iyi ayarlıcak bi tanede level 60 duffer kenarda beklerse TK diğer bosslardan farksız olur. Saydığım itemlar biraz abartı oldu sanırım ama 3,5k HP ile kesilir diorum ben.
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HasMez, 06 Temmuz 2005 11:03 tarihinde demiş ki:
diezde empty tank oldu tk ya

8 tane priestle ben "Volcanic Rock"a da tank olurum.[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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rockncoke, 06 Temmuz 2005 18:25 tarihinde demiş ki:
o ne ? desem :-)

boss eventte çıkıp yanına yaklaşan herleşleri bi bakışıyla kavuran bi abimiz :) bu arada murtaza o seni 1 vuruşta indirmiyo mu?? :D[signature][hline]Server: Diez
Nation: Karus
Char: Rogue
Lvl: 59(60 oluyorumm.. oluyorummm..)
Nick: Catastrope
Clan: Türk
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hayır 2 vuruşta indiriyor.
4200 civarı HP vardı.
ilk vuruşta 2800 civarı falan vuruyor. ikinci vuruşta zaten pelt :D[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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Hayır, yere doğru yumruk indiriyor, belli bir alandakiler dmg ı yiyor. zaten kaçmaya çalışırken e 2. kez yere vuruyor. Herkes booomm...

Bu arada Empty 2900HP ile TK ya tank olmuş. Kestebilmişler mi? Çünkü resimde *** Troll King has red-balled Empty *** :-)

Ama yine de helal olsun, büyük cesaret...
Edit: Nova değil de alttan ısıtmalı sistem gibi çalışıyor. Aynı dreadmare'lerdeki gibim :)
[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time

[Bu mesaj Murtaza tarafından 06 Temmuz 2005 18:36 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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