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Öne çıkan mesajlar

ozonu deldik ısı geldi
buzullara yaz geldi
ama bu bile bize az geldi,
sık ahmet sık parfümü.

gaza bastıkça terledik,
egzostan dumanı kökledik,
fabrikalarada söyledik ama,
sık necla sık parfümü.

etiket koyduk şişeye,
no cfc dedik kişiye.
kendimizi kekler olduk,
sık haşmet sık parfümü.

filtre dedik durduk,
bacalardan duman vurduk
kanserden de korkmayız ya!
sık nurcan sık parfümü.

not: bundan sonra nuri alço gibi şiirlerime ara veriyorum. artık halkın sorunlarıyla ilgili şiirler yazıcam.
[signature][hline]Yazılarım insan gözüyle görünemeyebilir onun için şimdiden özür diliyorum.

[Bu mesaj supersonicmemed tarafından 04 Temmuz 2005 15:44 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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Süpermiş :D[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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Esh, 04 Temmuz 2005 16:46 tarihinde demiş ki:
parfumlerde 1978 den beri CFC kullanilmiyor, buzdolaplarinda da kullanilmiyor.

orda zaten deodorant dicektimde kafiyeyi yakalamak için parfüm dedik idare edin o kadar olsun. ha deodorant ha parfüm.[signature][hline]Yazılarım insan gözüyle görünemeyebilir onun için şimdiden özür diliyorum.
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Ne yani illa dergilere konu olacak bi şiir mi yazmak lazım?

Gülüp geçmek bu kadar zor mu?[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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HasMez, 04 Temmuz 2005 21:57 tarihinde demiş ki:
iyide herkesin anlayışı farklı içinden gelmiş yazmış o kadarda irdelememek gerekiyor. eglenceli bir şiir bence.

ben de benim şiir anlayışıma göre fikrimi belirttim zaten.

ayrıca bence diye de belirttim, sonuçta herkes beğenmek zorunda da değil.[signature][hline]"zamanı gelmiş bir düşünceyi durdurabilecek hiçbir ordu tanımıyorum"
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helena, 04 Temmuz 2005 21:56 tarihinde demiş ki:
karalama defterine konulan yazılar daha fazla emeği hakediyor.

Bişeyi değiştirmicek...[signature][hline]Hawk, 23 Haziran 2005 13:18 tarihinde demiş ki:
murtaza has a combomacro and doesnt have to wait 2 sec to use a pots so im happy he got hacked with the program he was using. i know because i fought him in cz we got him away from his party and a lvl 63 warrior with raptor +8 started atking him lvl 60 rouge assasin with two shards +6 and me a lvl 61 fire/ice mage i iced him and rouge and warrior were just sliding him with me using nova and ice and ingnition well with all that he looked like a blue blob with all the pots he was using and his hp never went below 50% so we all towned since he was using some program to use pots over and over without cooldown time
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