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Çizim - Tennis - Elite

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
lol dalgalanmayı iyi yapmışsında kılıç sux olmuş :)

*şu dalgalanmanın sırrı üzerine shape mi koydun?[signature][hline]Tabi tabi aynen anlattığım gibi...
Mesaj tarihi:
mono göstermiyor?

"http://www.fuysal.com/forpaticik/tipx.jpg" grafik dosyası hatalı olduğu için gösterilemiyor."

iexplorer da aynı şekilde[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
Mesaj tarihi:
olmamış abi

bu mudur elitelik diye sorgulamadan edemedim kendimce

:-)[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...

**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
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