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Kahretsin Gmail yalvarıo bana...

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Hi there,

We've noticed that you haven't used your Gmail account, [email protected], for quite some time. In order to make Gmail better for our users, we've added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you'll want to start using your account again. Here are just some of the latest additions:

- Free POP access: Take your messages with you. Download them, read them offline, access them using Outlook, your Blackberry or any other device that supports.

- More free storage (today and tomorrow): Stop worrying about storage. Your account now has over 2000 megabytes of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.

- 12 more languages: The Gmail interface is now available in UK English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and simplified and traditional Chinese. If you don't see the language you want on this list, look for it in the future because we're going to keep adding more.

- Rich text formatting: Express yourself with fonts, bullets, highlighting and over 60 colors of the rainbow.

- And lots more, including support for more browsers, an improved Contacts list, and an easier way to send photos.

We're still working hard every day to build you the best email service around. But to keep Gmail great for our users, we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months. So, we hope you'll give us another chance. To log in to your Gmail account, just visit: http://gmail.google.com.

The Gmail Team

We sent you this message because we wanted to warn you of your account's inactivity and remind you of our dormant account policies. For more details, please visit our Help Center:

***Protect your Gmail password and your personal information***

Google takes your privacy and security very seriously. For your protection, Google will never ask you for your personal information, such as bank accounts numbers, credit card numbers, pin numbers, passwords, or Social Security numbers in an email. For more information on how to protect your Gmail password and your personal information, visit our Help page here:

We sent you this message because as part of signing up for a Gmail account, you agreed to be periodically asked for your comments and suggestions to improve Gmail. If you do not wish to provide such feedback in the future, you may opt-out of receiving Gmail market research messages by visiting:

(If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them into the address bar of your browser)
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Mesaj tarihi:
Erutan, 24 Haziran 2005 21:02 tarihinde demiş ki:
Eğlenmektir hayat

pok eglenmektir paran yoksa eglen bakimde bi görim seni[signature][hline]HåD£§©ik 2°°3
Plutøn 2°°5
I Love =o=
Hadescik = Plutøn

Mesaj tarihi:
vesmor, 24 Haziran 2005 21:14 tarihinde demiş ki:
Erutan, 24 Haziran 2005 20:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
because we wanted to warn you of your account's inactivity and remind you of our dormant account policies.
bu yuzden silecekler :)

one la auehhuaeuhe[signature][hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
Yanlışlık olmasın hava olmasın..[signature][hline]zagG!!
Yaw ev hanımı nedir ? Evine bakan hanım bir insandır, ama sen kardeşim kireçlenen makinayı niye söküp bize getiriyorsun, yav kaç sefer dedik hanfendi pskipotlaşmayın biz gelir alırız makineyi...
Mesaj tarihi:
Silecez felan diye yem atmışlar kanma :=)[signature][hline]Ardhath

"Türkler öldürülebilir, lakın mağlup edilemezler. Türk askerlerini dal kılıç olmaya mecbur edecek kadar üstlerine varmamalıdır. Bir defa dal kılıç olmayı göze almış bir kaç yüz Türk meydana çıkarsa önelerinde mağlup olmamak mümkün değildir."

Mesaj tarihi:
ya neden ilginç oluyorum anlamıyorum kardeşim? Başkası böyle bi topic açtığında ehuehee haha hoh nihoa zort gibi normal şeyler yazılırken neden bana böyle gelip manasız şeyler yazılması beni üzüyo.Direk aha erutan konu açmış hadi azına mıçak piskolojisi ile giriyorsunuz.[signature][hline]
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