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Mesaj tarihi:
zaten varmış bir kaç başlık aşağıda.. iyisi mi oraya bakın... hadi bakıp bakmışlığını boşa gitmesin bari size bir kaç ufak PES tüyosu vereyim.

Trevor's voice

Load up the game and press any button at the title screen. Leave the game on the main menu for a few minutes until it goes back to the intro sequence. Watch or skip the intro to go back to the main title screen again. Trevor Brooking should now say Pro Evolution Soccer 4 instead of Peter Brackly.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Glitches

Easy Goals

When the ball has completely gone over the line, but before your player begins to celebrate, pause the game and watch the replay. Every time you watch the replay an extra goal will added to your score.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Secrets

Create a Dream Team (And Use It In ML)

Load up your game as usual, then remove your memory card and go to Edit mode. Choose Edit Team and pick a team that you never use (I suggest PES United or the other team next to it). Register whatever players you want from whatever club (ie, move Ronaldo frm Real Madrid to your team), edit their kit, name, everything. At some point you will have to get rid of the original players in the team; just register them to a different club, don't worry what club because this won't effect your game.When you have created the dream team, exit Edit Mode, if you removed your memory card like I said, it will not auto-save on exit, then start Master League with MAtch Mode teams. Once your season has begun, save the ML data, and if you want to use the team in Match Mode , save your Best XI. Then simple re-load your Game Data, leaving you with a Master League season of your Dream Team, and a Best XI of the same team. Using this method, you will not mess up any realistic transfers etc

Tips on diving headers or scissor kicks

Once your in the corner of your opposing teams side, press Circle twice and fast, the cross will go slightly lower and faster than a normal cross, then press square and one of your players will do either a diving header or a scissor kick

[Bu mesaj Caine tarafından 21 Haziran 2005 10:34 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Caine, 21 Haziran 2005 10:31 tarihinde demiş ki:
Once your in the corner of your opposing teams side, press Circle twice and fast, the cross will go slightly lower and faster than a normal cross, then press square and one of your players will do either a diving header or a scissor kick

pc de çok zor olur bunu yapmak[signature][hline]be the vanquisher, to forgive
Mesaj tarihi:
zaten hanım mixerde yapmış çocuğu :P[signature][hline]Wendigo, 09 Haziran 2005 17:28 tarihinde demiş ki:
zaten ellerim titriyor kac saattir thread kitlemedim die ;)=
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